My father was a patient man. There were times, however, when I tested this “fruit of the Spirit” virtue. He had a phrase he used quite often with me when he wanted to get his point across. He would say, “Ron, you’re dilly-dallying.” For those who need a translation, “You’re wasting time.”

Do you remember the story of Esther? King Xerxes, under the evil influence of a man by the name of Haman, ordered all the Jews be killed in a single day. It wasn’t looking too good for the Jews until God used Esther and Mordecai to convince the king of Haman’s wickedness. After Xerxes hanged Haman, Esther passionately pleaded with the king to change his order to have the Jews killed. Her intercession was effective and the king granted the Jews life and freedom.

Esther 8:11 (NIV) The king’s edict granted the Jews in every city the right to assemble and protect themselves; to destroy, kill and annihilate any armed force of any nationality or province that might attack them and their women and children; and to plunder the property of their enemies.

But there was still a problem. The whole nation had to be notified of the new law. That’s when the king called in his couriers and sent them out with a new command to ignore the first command.

Esther 8:14 (NIV) The couriers, riding the royal horses, raced out, spurred on by the king’s command.

With such a mission they couldn’t afford to “dilly-dally.” Lives were at stake. Do you realize the same is true today. Lives are at stake. Those who don’t know Jesus are in big trouble. The stakes are high and too many of us are “dilly-dallying.” I know our schedules are full, our days are jam-packed. But my challenge to you is simple: Resolve to take someone to heaven with you. Make a financial commitment to a missions program that has integrity.

Remember, time is short because Jesus is coming back. We must do all we can to win the lost to Christ.

That’s my view of things.